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Show & Tell
- Call for presentations

September 2024

Show digital cooperation and interoperability across Existing and New Assets, disciplines, and decision gates

We are preparing for the show and tell. The topics further down on this page outline the themes we are planning to cover in the workshop.  Specific use cases and test data will be made available in due time. 

The contextualized data will be according to e.g. Information Model Framework (IMF), the DISC DEXPI standard (including symbol libraries), Industrial Data Ontology (IDO), IEC 63131 (Automation ML), IEC 62541 (OPC UA) etc.

The plan is to creating value through digitalization of existing assets supports lower modification and maintenance cost. Improve performance and quality in concept, basic engineering, detailing, fabrication, commissioning, and operation.

There will be tree areas of focus – Digital Brownfield, Digital Engineering and Digital Commissioning.

Digital Brownfield

  • Transforming legacy document into contextualized data to enable Data-Driven verifications and prescriptive operations to confirm the performance, safety, and reliability of equipment, products, systems, or processes based on the IMF framework.

    • This can include digitalization of:

      • Different equipment packages, products, systems, or processes

      • Asset information, services and supporting functions

      • Operation efficiency, production optimizing and condition-based maintenance

      • Document to data; master documents, document revisioning, work processes, operation guidelines, etc

      • Management of Changes (MoC process), SimOps, Shutdown and Turnaround (TAR)

      • P&ID’s, PFD’s, SCD’s, Instrument indexes and relevant equipment datasheets

      • Automation ML data structures/files

  • Digital Lifetime extension assessments and analysis

    • Transform legacy documents into contextualized data to address the potential risk and possible solutions associated with extending the operations of an existing field with equipment and systems that are required to operate or function significantly longer than their original design intended.

    • Demonstrate efficiency and business value (time, cost, accuracy, prescriptive, etc) with digital use-cases within areas such as:

      • Risk Assessment: Assess the risks associated with extending the life (storage and/or operation) of equipment, products, systems, or processes.

      • Design and Process Changes: Identify necessary design or process modifications and recommend data-driven testing and inspections to mitigate risks.

      • Technology Obsolescence: Address issues related to technology becoming obsolete during the extended lifespan with prescriptive mitigations.

      • Maintenance Considerations: Evaluate the availability of maintenance capability and data-driven verifications associated with the extension.

      • Cost Implications: Compare the cost of extending the life of an Asset to:

        • designing and developing an entirely new product, system, or process

        • outsourcing or hand-over of asset

        • de-commissioning 

      • Data-Driven Decisions: making informed decisions and ensuring the continued functionality, reliability and safety of critical systems, products, and processes.

Digital engineering

Within digital engineering the ambition is to explore how a digital design basis from the operators (TEG system example), using IMF System Level  types. These design requirements shall be demonstrated as importable to a engineering design tool. Then a detailing of the system can be done using general IMF Type objects on equipment level. Then lookup to equipment catalogs will provide the vendor integration needed to automate and digitalize the vendor interface.


  • Automate design selection and verifications

    • based upon EPC IMF “requirement”

    • select equipment based upon technical requirements

    • Based upon IMF aspect “requirements”

    • present the proposed candidates in e.g. a spider diagrams

    • Technical match

    • Cost scoring

    • Performance scoring

    • Use PCA IMF library; Lookup in Equipment library; Selection based upon simulations; Vendors is listening in to the touched equipment

  • Execute workflow with digital verification according to design maturation connected to milestones and gates in the project

  • Execute workflow with digital verification and approval mechanisms on cost and reliability data from external sources (e.g. Oreda)

  • Selections based on cost and uptime performance

    • Give the Package Responsible Engineer (PRE) the ability to start a workflow where

      • PRE select and recommend one preffered equipment - approve and send to next person in value chain

      • Worflow continues to Package Responsible Buyer (PRB)

        • PRB review and evaluate based upon a the data provided and by default the best digital match is presented – Approve

      • Workflow continues to Client technical representation for review and approval

  • Connection to Control System through Automation ML

  • Digitally create value/lifetime calculation

    • Wil most likely be built upon a TEG system.

Digital commissioning in existing and new build assets

  • Execute data-driven commissioning activities and leverage digital simulations to verify, test and confirm requirements of equipment, products, systems and processes in different aspects before a Purchase Order (PO) is placed:

    • Simulations and scenarios with use of digital twin solutions to demonstrate capabilities, evaluate functionalities, and identify potential improvements based upon an Asset Information Model and the Information Model framework (IMF)

  • The goal of digital commissioning is to minimize reliance on physical construction

  • This can include digital commissioning of different equipment packages, products, systems, or processes

  • Across companies

    • Across organizations, teams, disciplines, documents, and collection of defined data sets

  • Digitalize commissioning packages with defined digital acceptance criteria (FAT’s, SAT’s, checklists, certificates, etc)

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